READ THIS FIRST! CD.EXE - CD Player for Windows, v1.0 note: the last version of this program was CDPLAY.EXE v0.97 completed 1/11/96 e-mail: Check major FTP sites (such as the one where you found this) for updates and future releases NOTE: free program updates are available direct from the author (as long as I can keep up with demand) -- e-mail me for more info -- IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS! Updates are available on a relatively regular basis. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- To install the CD Player program, you need only copy it to either your Windows directory or any other directory where there's room (you could even give it it's own directory!) Also make sure you copy CD.HLP either to the same directory as the EXE or your WINDOWS directory To run CD Player, use the Program Manager's "FILE | RUN..." command and type "C:\WINDOWS\CD.EXE" (or whatever directory you've used to give a home to the program) and press "OK". - or - Give it it's own icon in the Program Manager: 1. Click on File | New 2. Select 'New Program Item' 3. Hit 'OK' 4. Type in a name and the path where CD.EXE resides 5. Select an icon 6. Hit 'OK' 7. It's that easy! To un-install CD Player (I'm sure you won't need to read this), just delete the file CD.EXE from wherever it resides, as well as CD.HLP and this text file. IT'S THAT EASY!! NOTE: IF THE CD-PLAYER PROGRAM DOESN'T RUN OR CRASHES YOUR COMPUTER OR DOES ANYTHING ELSE THAT IT OBVIOUSLY SHOULDN'T DO, DON'T GIVE UP! THERE'S STILL HOPE, as long as you e-mail me to let me know: 1. what happened? 2. what kind of computer and peripherals do you have? 3. what software was running at the time? 4. can you already play audio CDs with Windows Media Player (or any other CD playing utility in Windows)? 4. any comments? If I receive any responses of this sort, I'll address the problem as soon as possible and send information on updates to your return e-mail address (if you include it) PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS -------------------- - relatively quick 386 or above IBM/compatible computer running Windows 3.1 or above (NOTE: as far as I know this program has yet to be tested under Windows 95 or anything else but Win 3.1 and Win 3.1 w/Win32s. However, CD Player should run smoothly under any operating system capable of running Windows 3.1 programs, such as Win95 and OS/2. CAVEAT EMPTOR!) - CD-ROM drive and sound card (properly set up) NOTE: if you can't already play audio CDs with Windows Media Player, then you probably won't be able to with this program... - a mouse - I would recommend use with a display supporting AT LEAST 64,000 COLORS (hi-color), simply because it looks like %$@# in 256 colors and below (NOTE: if you REALLY like this program and you want to keep using it, BUT you don't have a hi-color or true-color display, e-mail me (see below) and I'll send you a low-color version) GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR USAGE ---------------------------- Use it any way you want. For those who need help, just click on the little question mark button to open the help file. There aren't any hidden features or menus to work through - what you see is what you get. Any other questions, please e-mail me (see below) FEATURES (as of version 1.0) ----------------------------- - Now includes Windows help file (complete w/diagrams) - Fully graphical interface (no standard text or keyboard used), can be completely controlled with a mouse (NOTE: DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A MOUSE OR OTHER GRAPHICAL INPUT DEVICE. THE PROGRAM CAN'T BE CONTROLLED WITH A KEYBOARD) - plays CDs - no complicated installation: if your computer is multimedia equipped and is already set up for use with Windows, this program should(?) work just fine. NOTE: this program probably won't play audio CDs unless you can already play audio CDs under Windows Media Player... - now includes Always On Top feature to keep the Player visible above other windows - i'm sure there are others, but as of yet they don't exist PROGRAM INFO & HOW TO CONTACT ME -------------------------------- NOTE: as stated above, free minor updates are available direct from me -- e-mail me for more info If for some odd reason you should find yourself using this program on a regular basis, I DON'T WANT MONEY! THIS PROGRAM IS PUBLIC DOMAIN FREEWARE!!! But instead, I would appreciate a few minutes of your time to e-mail me any questions, comments, or suggestions for changes and improvements I can make in future releases. BUG REPORTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TOO This program was written, compiled, and in all other ways created using Borland Turbo C++ v3.0 Visual Edition for Windows on an Intel 486/33 running Windows 3.1 w/Win32s If you would like to change or improve this program or simply see what makes it work, AND you know how to program in C or C++ (or you're just messing around like me), get the --SOURCE CODE-- e-mail me to get it direct. To contact me, please e-mail to: subject: cd player please include the version of CD Player that you're using (in this case, v1.0) I'll respond to all e-mail I receive as soon as possible. FUTURE PLANS ------------ - VERY SOON: by version 1.1 there will no longer be pauses or erratic stopping and starting of the time display AND there will be practically no effect on system resources (as it is now, the program repeatedly reads the CD drive exactly once every second for status and position information, which taxes about 5% of my system's resources) - SOONER THAN YOU THINK: disc and track file memory to store names and track programs for each disc in your collection disc/track repeat and shuffle play track programming - SOON ENOUGH: support for multiple video resolutions and color depths (technically this is available now, but it would result in a HUGE zip file or several separate ZIPs being distributed on FTP sites - however, if you really want a version with a different resolution or color depth, e-mail me your request and I'll send you what you need) customizable interface, size, and desktop position KNOWN BUGS ---------- Life-threatening -- version v0.9 was actually a bug fix of v0.8, and 0.97 is a few minor updates up from 0.9, and v1.0 is almost exactly the same as 0.97 (except now it includes a help file) so HOPEFULLY there will be no more GPFs (General Protection Faults) -- however, I can't guarantee this... Other -- 1. occasionally, some or all of the buttons will disappear while in 'Always On Top' mode - to correct this see the Troubleshooting Guide below (NOTE: this will be corrected soon - but, it's not life-threatening...) 2. once in a very rare while, the CD Player will behave 'unpredictably' - however, no need to worry, no damage can be done - to correct these rare problems, see the Troubleshooting Guide in the help file (click on the CD Player's question mark button), or contact me directly as detailed above IF YOU'RE EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS, or notice a bug or two, please e-mail me and let me know (w/details if possible) AUTHOR'S NOTE ------------- Although I don't want any 'remuneration' for my efforts in creating this program (seeing as how I using it to teach myself Windows C++ programming), the fact remains that I'm yet another broke college student just trying to keep warm, SO I will accept donations IF you would like a custom version of the program OR just feel out of the goodness of your heart that I (he-he) deserve it... Thanks! (by the way, if you take this seriously, e-mail me for more info so I can try to talk you out of it...) LEGAL DISCLAIMER ---------------- NOTE: YOU MUST AGREE TO THESE STATEMENTS BEFORE USING THE PROGRAM! Just so I don't get sued for trying to make the world a little brighter, here's the rules of the game: 1. I (the author) will not be held responsible for ANY damages, monetary or otherwise, incurred by your (the ever wary end user's) use of this program. As far as I know the program is virus-free and otherwise free of defects, HOWEVER, this program will have passed through many hands from mine to your own. AGAIN, CAVEAT EMPTOR! 2. I think that just about covers it (by the way, if someone out there reads this and sees something seriously wrong with any of this, E-MAIL ME NOW! - your efforts will be rewarded) Thanks for giving my CD-Player a go, and remember that it's YOUR FEEDBACK ALONE that supports software authors like myself... Have a nice night! %)